How to get to us
Directions Senftenberg
Taxi Senftenberg
Taxi Döge: +49 3573 2300
Funk Taxi Hein: +49 3573 66 33 66
Footpath from Senftenberg train station
(A) Senftenberg train station
Please select your destination
Follow Güterbahnhofstraße southwest towards Bahnhofstraße and follow it for 750 meters. Then turn left into Schlosstraße. Follow this and then turn right into Steindamm.
Follow Güterbahnhofstraße to the southwest in the direction of Bahnhofstraße. This leads into Moritzstraße, from which you turn left into August-Bebel-Straße after 130 meters. After 450 meters turn right into Briesker Str./Ernst-Thälmann-Strasse, which you follow for 1.3 kilometers. Now turn into Greifswalder Straße and then after 50 meters turn right into Ahlbecker Straße.
Follow Güterbahnhofstraße southwest towards Bahnhofstraße and turn left after 130m onto Moritzstraße. After 450m turn left into August-Bebel-Straße and then after 290m turn right into Friedenstraße.
Follow Güterbahnhofstraße southwest towards Bahnhofstraße for 130m. Continue to the left on Moritzstraße. After 450m turn left onto August-Bebel-Straße, then turn right onto Briesker Str./Ernst-Thälmann-Straße. After 220m on Briesker Str. turn left onto Niemtscher Weg.
Bus connection Senftenberg - BASF Schwarzheide
Directions Schwarzheide
Taxi Schwarzheide
Taxi Gerner: +49 35 752 811 10
Footpath from Bahnhof Schwarzheide
(A) Train station Schwarzheide
Please select your destination
At Schwarzheide train station turn southwest towards Naundorfer Straße. After 450m turn right onto Naundorfer Str., which you follow for 1.3 km. Keep slightly to the right to stay on Naundorfer Str. At the traffic circle, take the third exit (Ruhlander Str.) and then turn right after 230m onto Heidestraße.
From Ruhland
Taxi Ruhland
Uwe Scholz: +49 035752 70000
Footpath from train station Ruhland
(A) Bus station Ruhland
Please select your destination
From Ruhland train station, please follow the signs to Bahnhofstraße. Here you turn left into Elsterbogen, which leads across the Elster and then becomes Schipkauer Straße. Follow this street to the traffic circle and then turn left into Ruhlander Straße. From this, Heidestraße turns off to the right.